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Upgrade Guide

Whenever a new version of RunsOn is available, you will need to update your current stack with the latest version of the CloudFormation template.

This guide is also valid if you simply want to update one of the stack parameters.

Update the CloudFormation stack

  1. Go to CloudFormation > Stacks, then click on your RunsOn stack.

  2. Now click on the Update button.

  1. Make sure to select Replace current template, and enter the following URL:
  1. Then click Next.
  1. On the next screen, ensure all required parameters are given, then click Next until you get to the recap screen. At this point, click Submit after checking the permission boxes.
Upgrade stack

Verifying the installation

You can verify the status of your installation by opening the RunsOn AppRunner endpoint. If everything went well, you should see the following output:

Upgrade successful

Rolling back

If for any reason you need to roll back to a previous version, you can do so by directly referencing the previous version of the CloudFormation template.

  1. Go to CloudFormation > Stacks, then click on your RunsOn stack.
  2. Click Update.
  3. Select Replace current template, and enter the following URL:

You will find the version-specific CloudFormation template URL in the Changelog.